Conni and the babysitter
“But I’m not a baby anymore!” shouts Conni as her mum and dad look for a babysitter to take care of her and Jakob for an evening. She doesn’t want a strange girl that looks after her and tells her when to go to sleep. But as she meets Marie she has to admit: A babysitter can be a great friend.
Further episodes
Conni puts on an act
Als Hanne die Geschichte vom kleinen Laternen-Fisch vorliest kennen die Kinder diese schon auswendig. „Dann spielt sie doch mal nach“, schlägt Hanne vor. „So richtig wie im Theater!“ Begeistert machen sich alle daran ihre Rolle zu üben. Aber auch Kostüme und ein richtiges Bühnenbild werden gebastelt. Nun fiebert Conni dem großen Tag entgegen, an dem Mama und Papa sie auf der Bühne sehen!
Conni and the clean-up-day
Conni is angry…. Again someone threw garbage over the fence of the kindergarten. And in the park there is trash on the ground as well. Conni and the hedgehog-group have an idea: They start a big cleaning campaign! They learn that glass, plastics and paper are totally different types of trash and that you can even make new stuff from them.
Conni at the beach
What is a lighthouse needed for? What is high and low tide? How many animals live on the beach and what happens to the little sea lion that got lost? Conni had never thought that there was so much to discover and ask when you go on holiday to the seaside.
4x 11’5
completed 2015