Conni‘s birthday

Birthday! Birthday! Finally… but before the party can start there are many things to do. To write the invitation cards for all her friends, to invent fun games and surprises for all the guests and, and, and … The night before, Conni is so excited that she can hardly sleep, thinking about what birthday presents she will get from her family and friends.

Further episodes

Conni and the Easter Bunny

Painting on Easter eggs, making decorations for the Easter flower arrangement and planting cress all over the table, making it look like a flower bed in spring. Conni and Jacob are having lots of fun with that. After the big Easter campfire, Conni wants to show all the beautiful things to Anna, but what’s that … is the Easter bunny sleeping on the table in the cress bed?

Conni bakes Pizza

When the Pizzeria is closed, why not open your own, Conni thinks. Together with Simon she wants to bake a real good Pizza for his mother. Luckily, Conni’s Mum helps a little.

Plays Soccer

Kicking a ball about is nice, but being able to dribble and kick right would be even better. That’s why Uncle Gunter enrolls Conni and Anna for kid’s soccer. The two are having lots of fun, but of all days, on the day of the great tournament it’s raining cats and dogs … Was all they learned in vain, or will they still be able to score goals?

Type of project
Target group
4x 11’5
completed 2012
Henning Windelband